Restroom Sanitization
We keep your restrooms cleaned and sanitized
Nothing is quite as telling about a company’s desire to provide for their customers as much as the cleanliness of their restrooms. All the face time and hand shaking is nothing if your restrooms are subpar.
Don’t settle for outdated methods of cleaning, such as with mops, brushes and rags. Oftentimes this leads to microbacteria being spread or contained rather than being eliminated.
Each fixture of your bathroom will be cleansed using Blink’s state-of-the-art sanitation process and then refreshed using a cool water rinse. After a quick vacuum of the floors and blow dry of each part of your restroom, your freshly sanitized restoom will be ready and available to be used immediately.
Unlike some competitors, our sanitation works for you around the clock. The enzymes used in our cleaning process stick around long after we leave, providing a sanitized experience for both employees and customers.
Your reputation is only as clean as your dirtiest restroom.
So whether you are in Raleigh, Charlotte or throughout the Carolinas, give us a call today!